Overcoming PIC4014 Visa Ban with Creative Strategy to Re-Enter Australia

I had a very complicated immigration matter which led to a re-entry ban. We had the ban waived and obtained a new visa successfully. Jason, an accredited specialist in immigration law, initially assessed my case to be manageable after reviewing all the possible visa options for me. He is very genuine and passionate about his career in helping people to address their complicated immigration issues. Anzhi is the lawyer in Jason’s team who was responsible for the bulk of the work. She is very patient in answering questions and thorough when presenting progress. It was reassuring to have her continuous guidance throughout the process.

They are professional immigration lawyers ready to support you. If you feel you cannot manage your immigration matter, I would strongly recommend you to reach out to them to ask for help. Do keep in mind that some problems are beyond solvable, but they will provide you with the best professional say on the solvability.

- Jack Cheng

Overcoming PIC4014 Visa Ban with Creative Strategy to Re-Enter Australia