Health requirement when assessing a Bridging Visa B application

Short answer – “yes” as extracted from the Procedures Advice Manual as follows:

Bridging Visas B and the Health Requirement

 In assessing Regulation 020.213 “The applicant’s return to Australia would not be contrary to the public interest”, officers must consider whether it is likely that the person would engage in activities during the proposed travel that might result in their subsequent return to Australia not being in the public interest.

 Issues to consider include the:

  • Intended destination(s);

  • Purpose of the proposed travel;

  • Possibility of exposure to infectious diseases that may cause a risk to public health; and

  • Risk posed from a current health condition that might exacerbate public health threat on return.

 Where a BVB applicant may have active TB or is undergoing treatment for active TB, under policy, this is considered a relevant consideration in terms of regulation 020.213. This is because it is the only condition that in itself is defined as a risk to public health.

 Applicants who have been referred for investigation of possible active TB will have a ‘deferred’ opinion in the HAP – Health Assessments with an examination code of 603, 606 or 607 OR an outstanding 603 examination in eMedical that has not been completed. A CMAL alert will also be in place for these applicants.


As a general rule, a BVB should NOT be granted to any applicant being investigated or treated for active TB.


Common Understanding for Bridging Visa B (BVB) Application

It is a common understanding that the application for Bridging Visa B is not a brainer if the person is on a Bridging Visa A and there exists a proposed travel date. However, when being subject to a condition not being in the interest of the Australian public interest as explained above, no brainer can become a pain in the neck. Should you have an issue that may be of the above while on a Bridging Visa A and having a valid reason to travel outside Australia, please contact us immediately.

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