Citizenship Residence Requirement for Distinguished Talent Visa Holders

The Australian government announced a streamlined pathway to Australian citizenship for talented prospective Australians.


What are the requirements for Citizenship by Conferral?

At present, applicants for Australian citizenship must meet the general residence requirement which provides that they have lived in Australia on a valid visa for the past 4 years and were absent for no more than 12 months in that time. They must also have been a permanent resident or eligible New Zealand citizen and absent from Australia for no more than 90 days during the 12 months before applying.


Is there flexibility in residency requirements for Distinguish Talent Visa holders? 

The special residency requirement applies to past, present, and future distinguished talent stream visa holders.

Under this special arrangement, applicants having held a valid visa for the last four years, living in Australia for at least 480 days during that time, and having been a permanent resident and in Australia for 120 days in the year immediately before applying will be eligible for Australia citizenship.


How Can Agape Henry Crux Help

Contact one of our specialists to discuss how we can assist you with obtaining Australian citizenship even though you have not been physically in Australia for more than four months.