We have been successfully representing clients in Immigration Law since 2009. We specialize in complex situations with three (3) of the best immigration lawyer in Australia. The best immigration lawyers are accredited by the Law Society - which is the regulatory body that provides lawyers with a licence to practise. At present, there are only 97 Accredited Specialists in Immigration Law world wide - thus, we have the perfect team to win visa cancellations. [WHAT IS AN ACCREDITED SPECIALIST?]
How Can Our Complex Unit Help?
Each circumstance of issues and difficulties must be considered on its own merits and we can guide you on the most appropriate strategy to move forward. We’ll present several options and help you choose an option that best suits your needs. The 3 main things to consider:
How cheap or how expensive?
How fast or how slow?
How easy or how difficult?
Fill in the form below to get in touch with an Accredited Specialist in Immigration Law!
What Triggers A Permanent Visa Cancellation?
The top 8 popular triggers are:
Applying Australian Citizenship triggers an integrity audit to determine if fake documents or incorrect information were provided to any previous visas held.
Committing a crime. This includes crimes committed outside Australia as well. Australia shares a crime database with several countries.
Either sponsoring a person on a partner visa. This includes former partners, sponsoring their new partners. Any information provided as an Australian Sponsor will be cross- checked to identify inconsistent information.
DOB-INs. It’s common for former friends/partners, competitors, disgruntled work colleagues or unhappy family members to send Immigration an annoymous tip.
Immigration adopts a practice of crawling through social media accounts, eg. Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, etc to cross reference information provided.
Failing to declare on incoming passsenger card at the aiport. Usually, incorrectly ticking they are bringing in goods or money valued over $900.
Failing to live and work in regional Australia for holder of a P.R which was granted on the basis of working in regional Australi, eg. RSMS visa.
Failing to carry out proposed business for business visas.
Understand about Visa Cancellations in Australia
There are many reasons you may receive a visa cancellation. This could include breach of obligations, Character cancellations, providing false and/or misleading information on a previous visas. Your options depend on which type of visa cancellation you've received.
What Happens If My Visa Is Cancelled?
Once your visa is cancelled, you immediately become an unlawful non-citizen and can be detained pending removal from Australia. You will either be barred for at least 3 years or permanently barred from Australia, depending on the Cancellation power used by Immigration.
It is imperative that you seek legal advice immediately so that you can regularise your immigration status. The situation is extremely serious because Immigration only gives 1 chance, there are no ‘do-overs’, hence we are required to go the extra mile to defend you, even if it means late nights and sacrificing our weekends - There is no other way.
You only get one (1) shot at winning.
How Much Does It Costs?
Professional legal fees can accumulate very fast. We pride in being transparent and laying out to our clients all costs, including if things did not go according to plan.
We offer different upfront pricing packages which you can select depending on your needs. This allows you to be fully aware of the legal costs involved. However, bear in mind that the exact pricing will vary depending on the complexity of your case.
(from $1,000 + GST)
"If you teach me, I can prepare my own response to the Department"
[A] P.R has NOT been Cancelled
Extensive Letter of Advice guiding you on how to respond to the Notice of Intention to Cancel - we will provide you with the case laws useful for your case
Guidance and Advice on the supporting evidence to use.
Advising on contingency plans
[B] P.R was Cancelled
Extensive Letter of Advice on the strategies and arguments to be explored at appeal
Guidance on the documents required to support your appeal
Prepare of Legal Submissions to submit to the Tribunal
(from $5,000 + GST)
"Can you do all the heavy lifting for me?"
[A] P.R has NOT been Cancelled
Extensive Letter of Advice covering case laws, other migration options, your prospects of success
Preparation of legal submissions with supporting case laws and evidence
Represent you with all communications with Immigration and other parties
Executing alternate strategies in parallel
[B] P.R was Cancelled
Extensive Letter of Advice covering strategies, arguments, guidance on supporting documents required
Preparation of Legal submissions
Mock Hearings
Provide information and guidance on how to prepare for the hearing
Attendance at Hearing with opportunity to make oral submissions on your behalf
Liaise with Tribunal during processing of your case
Have We Won a PR cancellation?
The testimonial of our clients speaks for itself:
Syrian refugee criminally convicted for using bogus passport.
Accountant who provided fake phone bills in P.R application to show fake relationship.
Trades worker failed to declare in incoming passenger card, he was bringing in more than $900 in cash.
Make it stand out
Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.