Posts tagged Visa refusal australia
A New Interpretation of When Bridging Visas Come Into Effect in Relation to Situations of Visa Cancellations

A New Interpretation of When Bridging Visas Come Into Effect in Relation to Situations of Visa Cancellations

Kumar and Minister for Home Affairs (Citizenship) [2019] AATA 3273

[Time to read: 3 mins]

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Late AAT Applications Not Necessarily Affected by Jurisdictional Error Under DFQ17 Decision

Late AAT Applications Not Necessarily Affected by Jurisdictional Error Under DFQ17 Decision

Ali v Minister for Home Affairs [2019] FCA 1102 (12 July 2019)

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Whether the Victim of Fraud by Migration Agent Can Challenge a Refusal That is Made Based on a Failure to Satisfy PIC 4020?

Whether the Victim of Fraud by Migration Agent Can Challenge a Refusal That is Made Based on a Failure to Satisfy PIC 4020?

Public Interest Criterion 4020 (“PIC 4020”) enabling refusal of a visa application

[Time to read: 4 mins]

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