News Update: Aged Care Labour Agreements to Support Migrant Communities

Since an increased number of Australian elders need to be cared by professional aged care providers, immigration have brought in aged care labor agreements to support aged care industry. The Minister for Immigration, Citizenship and Multicultural Affairs said: “these special visa arrangements will allow aged care facilities to access a personalized visa arrangement to hire employees with the skills to cater for the needs of their communities' elderly.”


A Labor Agreement (LA) is a formal arrangement between an Australian employer with the Department of Home Affairs to allow approved businesses to bring in skilled overseas workers. The business will have to show that there is a skill shortage in the Australian labor market for such skills and the standard temporary/permanent visa programs (e.g. Subclass 482, 186 or 187) do not cater for such skills.


Nonetheless, a labor agreement will only be approved should it demonstrates and proves that local Australians are unable to fill skill shortages or cannot use the standard work visa program.


As Australia is a migration country, aged people come from multicultural backgrounds. As reported, those newly introduced and approved "Company specific labor agreements will enable aged care providers to deliver specialized services that better understand a residents' cultural needs.’, as research shows that elder migrants tend to be comfortable to speak in their mother tongue and therefore skilled workers from similar culture background will better fit those positions with relevant aged care service providers.


 If you are aged carer, you may be eligible to request a company specific labor agreement to sponsor you for a Temporary Skill Shortage visa (Subclass 482), or an Employer Nomination Scheme visa (Subclass 186). As the requirements for an labour agreement are rather complex and difficult to meet, please call one of our highly trained immigration lawyers at Agape Henry Crux where our lawyers have helped many Australia companies successfully obtained their labour agreements.


Our lawyers can be contacted on (02)-7200 2700 or email us to book in a time at