When Can I Apply For Medicare While I Prepare for My Partner Visa?

Partner visa usually have a long processing time for the applicant to be granted as a permanent resident (PR) in Australia. You may be wondering if you are eligible for Australian health care, Medicare.  


How am I Eligible for Medicare? 

You can apply for Medicare after lodging a Partner Visa (Subclass 820/801 or Subclass 309/100) application as long as you meet these conditions. 


  • You must have applied for a permanent residency (PR) visa, this excludes parent visas. This also means for you can apply even though your PR application is pending for a decision. 

  • You must either have a visa allowing you to work in Australia or have a parent, spouse or child who is an Australian citizen, PR or a New Zealand citizen residing in Australia. 

  • You can enrol in Medicare from the date you lodged your PR application or the date you arrived in Australia to live if you applied for your PR visa outside of Australia. 



Ultimately, once your PR application is lodged to the Department, you are eligible to enrol into Medicare.  

How Can Agape Henry Crux Assist

If you are in a complex matter of schedule 3 on your visa cancellation. Agape Henry Crux has a team of immigration lawyers and registered migration agent who works together with our Accredited Specialists Immigration Lawyers. The team specialises in handling highly complex matters, and if you are unsure of what to do next. Schedule an appointment with one of our solicitors to seek professional advice by calling 02-8310 5230 or emailing us at info@ahclawyers.com

We speak fluent English, Mandarin and Cantonese. We can also help you arrange an interpreter if this isn't your language. 

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