Pacific Engagement Visa (Subclass 192) Treaty Stream for Tuvalu Passport Holders
The Pacific Engagement Visa (Subclass 192) is designed to continue to strengthen ties with Pacific Island nations with Australia by providing opportunities for skilled workers. As part of the ongoing commitment, the SC 192 introduces a new migration pathway for Tuvalu citizens.
What is the Treaty Stream under Subclass 192 Pacific Engagement Visa?
The initiative is part of the Australia-Tuvalu Falepili Union Treaty. The Treaty stream under the Pacific Engagement Visa (SC 192) enables eligible Tuvalu citizens to live and work in Australia.
How do I Apply for the Pacific Engagement Visa (Subclass 192)?
If you are interested in applying for the Pacific Engagement Visa – Treaty stream (SC 192), there are a few requirements and criteria you should be aware of:
The Pacific Engagement Visa is processed through a pre-application ballot system, which applicants are selected at random to be eligible to apply for the visa.
There are only 280 visa places for the Treaty stream, compared to the typical Pacific Engagement visa’s 3,000 places.
The Pacific Engagement (SC 192) visa is a permanent visa.
This visa stream is only open for Tuvalu citizens.
Visa applicants who are granted this visa have no work or study restrictions and can stay in Australia permanently.
Unlike other permanent visas, the Treaty visa stream provides visa holders an indefinite travel facility for visa holders to travel between Australia and Tuvalu.
How Can Agape Henry Crux Help
If you are interested in this Subclass 192 visa (Treaty stream), feel free to reach out to one of our immigration lawyers at Agape Henry Crux. Our team of immigration lawyers and migration agents works together with our Accredited Specialist Immigration Lawyers, who specialise in handling highly complex matters. You can book a consultation with one of our lawyers or agents to seek professional advice by calling 02-8310 5230 or email us at
We speak fluent English, Mandarin and Cantonese. If this isn’t your language, we can also help you arrange an interpreter.
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