Understand DAMA for East Kimberley, Western Australia (WA)

The East Kimberley Designated Area Migration Agreement (DAMA) can be a great opportunity for skilled and semi-skilled workers and businesses in the East Kimberley region of Western Australia. This agreement between East Kimberley and the Commonwealth of Australia (the Commonwealth) is designed to address labour shortages by allowing employers to sponsor skilled and semi-skilled migrants for specific occupations that are in demand within the region.  


You can only access a Labour Agreement under the Kimberley DAMA if you have first been endorsed by the East Kimberley Chamber of Commerce (EKCCI). A Labour Agreement under the Kimberley DAMA is usually valid for 5 years under the following visa programs: 

Related: All You Need to Know About DAMA, Designated Area Representative & Labour Agreement


What are the Specific Agreements Tailored to East Kimberley, WA?

The East Kimberley DAMA is a tailored migration agreement between the Australian government and local employers in the East Kimberley region.  

  • One requirement for visa applicants is to live and work in the Designated Area once being sponsored under the labour agreement. The East Kimberley DAMA include the following and the postcodes are representative of main towns and communities within each shire: 

    • The Shire of Wyndham-East Kimberley 

      • Kununurra: 6743 

      • Wyndham: 6740 

      • Kalumburu: 6740 

    • The Shire or Broome: 6725 

    • The Shire of Derby-West Kimberley; and 

      • Derby: 6728 

      • Fitzroy Crossing: 6765 

      • Camballin: 6728 

    • The Shire of Halls Creek 

      • Halls Creek: 6770 

      • Balgo: 6770 

      • Billiluna: 6770 

      • Mulan: 6770 

  • DAMA operates using a labour agreement as compared to a standard skilled migration program, which also means that: 

    • An employer can obtain their own labour agreement, valid for 5 years, that includes: 

      • Pre-approval for one or multiple occupations and positions in a broad range of skilled and semi-skilled occupations available in standard programs; 

      • Concessions not available in standard programs, such as age concessions and a well-defined permanent visa pathway, may be waived through labour agreements.

    • And the employer does not need to have an identified prospective worker to access a Kimberley DAMA Labour Agreement: 

      • The employer can sponsor an employee that is working within the business; or 

      • By having occupations pre-approved to attract suitable skilled overseas workers. 

    • A Kimberley DAMA labour agreement can vary to accommodate the changing needs of a business in its lifetime (up to 5 years), such as 

      • Adding additional or new occupations/positions  

      • Adding further concessions that are available if necessary 

  • Kimberley DAMA occupation list has included provisions to remove all caveats that apply to the standard occupation list. The Kimberley DAMA occupation list also includes a few concessions that have been agreed on, some of which are:  

    • Age concession,  

    • English concession, and

    • CSOL concession, previously known as TSMIT 

How Can Agape Henry Crux Help

If you are interested in DAMA and labour agreement for your next visa pathway in Western Australia, reach out to Agape Henry Crux for professional advice and assistance. Speak with one of our Accredited Specialist Immigration Lawyers (s) or our team of immigration lawyers and registered migration agents who specialise in handling highly complex matters. You can schedule an appointment with one of our lawyers or agents to seek professional advice by calling 02-8310 5230 or emailing us at info@ahclawyers.com

We speak fluent English, Mandarin and Cantonese. We can also help you arrange an interpreter if this isn't your language.

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